
GOTW Plague Tapes #116

Tuesday 30th Nov.  18.00hrs  Plague Tapes #116 Sunday morning – it was when I felt inspried to record the music part, after watching the Velvet Underground documentary by Todd Haynes.  The real birth of rock, or punk rock, definitely not the flowers in your hair clear shakra type.  Such a great sound – in the …

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Tuesday 30th Nov.  18.00hrs 

Plague Tapes #116

Sunday morning – it was when I felt inspried to record the music part, after watching the Velvet Underground documentary by Todd Haynes.  The real birth of rock, or punk rock, definitely not the flowers in your hair clear shakra type.  Such a great sound – in the chaos the driving rhythms,  you better run run run…Later listen out of Howlin’ Wolf complain about someboby being in his home, isn’t that what the plague is all about, this invading sickness into our lives.

News  Andrew is here to tell us about the new super villain on the plague scene, Omicron.  Just as you thought life couldn’t get any more like a dystopian science fiction novel, along comes Omicron.  We think it’s here, 11 possible cases here, 9 in Scotland yesterday, and we kind of already know that we have stong supicions that it is already here.  The Netherlands found it on the 23rd.  We learn about how Variants come about, and there have been 1500 lineages since the original Sars Cov-2.

Everything else contines on like before,  cases bumping along at 4,000, and 14% positivity, and ICU with 122 in there as of yesterday.  The pattern remains the same in terms of 60% of people in there being non-vaccinated. We have a one press conference -> from the HSE on Thursdays and after that we hear nothing from NPHET.


Love & Rage,

Dr. Groove


                1. The Velvet Underground  —>  Run Run Run 
                2. Mooon Duo ––> Jukebox Baby
                3. Freggelstuff & Ricardo Villalobos —> Dexter
                4. Nosjai Thing —> Particles Alligned
                5. Tripple Burner —> Wall Socket Protector 
                6. The Velvet Underground ––> What Goes On  
                7. The New Birth —> Aint’t No Change 
                8. Kamasi Washington —> Truth 
                9. Alex Reece —> Jazz Master – Original Mix
                10. Howlin’ Wolf —> Sombebody in my home
                11. Planetary Assault Systems —> Bear Bones 


News at 62 mins  – see above for what’s covered

12. Stereo MC’s —> What is Soul Pt.1 [edit]



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The post GOTW Plague Tapes #116 appeared first on Radioactive International.